In 2013 the idea was born for OneDotAll®. At that time the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851, the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, The University of Strathclyde and WEIR Group provided the funding and support to enable OneDotAll® to pilot and establish.

The utility sector has engineering in its very DNA, and that means an engineering mind set and not only mechanical tasks. The employers in gas, power, water and waste management serve 66 million people with complex environmental infrastructure and essential services every day. What they do underpins our very society. Helping school children at an early age to build that passion for helping others through engineering excellence is a core part of our Energy & Utilities skills strategy, and we are committed to helping the Institution of Primary Engineers and Institution of Secondary Engineers as they help society by growing the next generations of diverse talent.“
Nick Ellins, Chief Executive, Energy & Utility Skills Group

“Young children have a great sense of wonder about the world. Encouraging that curiosity and helping them discover their ability to not only ask questions but discover solutions is vital. Solving a challenge is the very essence of great engineering and it is crucial that business plays its part in supporting the next generation at every stage of their education.”
Jon Stanton, Chief Executive, Weir Group
Get Involved
As we enter our next full iteration of OneDotAll®, we are looking for supporters to join us in making this the most important, innovative and vibrant organisation for young people ever.