Welcome to OneDotAll Help!

Here you will find some helpful guides to get you started with using OneDotAll. Please navigate around this help section using the menu on the left. If you have any feedback on this help portal, the OneDotAll software, or you just need some assistance, feel free to get in touch with us at support@onedotall.com


Release Notes

OneDotAll Version 3.2.2

Released: 26/08/20

In this version we have included the following features:
Ability for users to…
– ‘Self onboard’; create your own account, set up your school and add year groups, classes and students.
– Create projects for use in class, add details, assign students, assign curriculum outcomes, assign wider-world competencies
– Create projects from our project template marketplace, edit details, competencies and curriculum outcomes and assign students
– Assess student progress against curriculum outcomes and wider-world competencies, on a per project basis
– View assessment progress either by project, class or student
– Use our ‘ask an expert’ form to request project support from experts
– View a list of all industry experts that have had contact with your school, plus their contact details
– Amend academic years, year groups, classes and students
– Invite other teachers to join OneDotAll
– Provide us feedback on OneDotAll, via the ‘leave feedback’ button
– Amend your email notification preferences in ‘My Account’
– Amend and prepare your year group, class and student information for the next academic year, via a prompt and workflow at the end of the current academic year

Alongside these features we have also implemented the following improvements:
– Email verification on account creation
– General usability improvements throughout the application
– Look and feel improvements throughout the application
– Updated wording throughout the application
– Clearer field labelling, to inform users of our reasons for collecting data